Friday, June 3, 2011

How to lose weight if your overweight?

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Obesity is usually measured by the upper arm skin fold measurement and is described as excessive body fatness. Those over the 85th percentile are categorized as obese, while the group over the 95th percentile are super-obese. Super-obesity has increased tremendously over the past year . Being a couch potato does affect weight. Science shows this to be true, but many youth and adults are not fitness per se. Oh yes, we may have friends who work out on a daily basis, but many youth are spending more time in front of the television than even before

Obesity definitely does have its downside as far as health is concerned. There is a strong association between childhood and adolescent obesity and cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension and its complications. Coughs and colds are more frequent, and respiratory diseases may impact obese children and youth through sleep apnea syndrome and later, the effects of chronic low oxygenation of the blood and other breathing problems and respiratory infections.

Many people are dieting today. It is encouraging to know that the majority of those trying to lose weight know how to diet, and reducing snacks and general food intake. Unhealthy dieting behaviors, such as fasting, taking diet pills, or vomiting can be dangerous themselves.

What can be done if your overweight?
1. Acknowledge that there is a problem with your weight and read about healthy food preparation and eating practices. Become informed. Do not follow fad diets, and do not limit the variety of foods eaten.

2. Buy healthy foods. Do not be tempted to fill your cupboards with convenience foods high in fats and sugars. Provide balanced meals, and serve portions that suit the needs of each family member. Provide alternative low calorie foods,if necessary , for snacking.

3. Involve in more activites. Take things gently at first. Make some fundamental rules regarding the time to be spent watching television, and involve the family in physical activities that you will enjoy. Keep record of your weight and encourage the venture. Reward yourself to a SPA or malling for even small steps of success.

4. Drink more fluids and eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. Don't live a sedentary lifestyle.

6. Exercise can be a great activity, especially when you do it for fun with your friends. One good way is to organize an aerobics club. Plan to meet at a different friend's home each week for lively music and exercise. If you don't like aerobics, get together with your friends, and play volleyball,basketball,tennis, swimming, or other sports. If you aren't the athletic type, walking maybe your answer. Go for a briskwalk three or four times a week around the neighborhood with a friend. Or check some local trails and wooded areas and go hiking or mountain climbing.

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